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Tel. 01763 208055 | School Lane, Thriplow, Royston, Hertfordshire SG8 7RH | Email
CIO Registered Charity Number 1162435

Look at the fabulous things we get up to at Ladybird Playgroup!

Using Binoculars

What can you spot?

Looking at wild flowers

We all love it when the horse comes to say hello

Observing birds nests and eggs
Looking through a magnifying glass to investigate closely.


Digging in the leaves

Looking at the shoots coming on our Spring bulbs.

Feeding the birds

RSPB Bird survey

Using gross motor skills

Building a fire

Mud Slide!!!!

Enjoying stories ourside

Building bridges

Mud kitchen

Pumpkin exploration

Stepping stones.
"The floor is hot lava"

Making a slide

Watering our panseys

Cooperative bug hunt.
"Let's look under this log"

Using sticks as drumsticks

Enjoying muddy puddle splashing

Climbing hills

Fun in the mud

Dragon parade

Bug hunt


Chitting Potatoes

Mark making outside
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